Poetry Readers Circle Sponsored by the FOL's Ruth D. Bogen Fund

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Program Description

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Join fellow readers for a new poetry discussion led by Nassau County Poet Laureate Paula Curci.

Paula Curci is the Nassau County Poet Laureate emeritus. As both the producer of Calliope’s Corner and What’s The Buzz, on Radio Hofstra University, and as a Poet Correspondent for The Scene.Life, Paula meets and interviews poets about their work.  She is the co-founder the Shore Poets and co-editor of the micro- memoir anthology Poetry: “It’s a ‘Shore’ Thing! In an Unsure World.  Through her Acoustic Poets Network Visitation Project, she facilitates introspective poetry workshops, open mics, and performs her poetry.  Paula is a judge for both the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and the Nassau County Poet Laureate Society’s poetry contests.

This month's selections from The Best Poems of the English Language are as follows: 

Emily Bronte

"Stanzas" and "Last Lines"

Page 722- 725

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"A Musical Instrument"

Page 726-727

Thomas Gray

"Elegy in a Country Churchyard"

Pages 283-285

Copies of the selected text are available at the Information Desk. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library’s Ruth D. Bogen Memorial Fund.